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Meets : 7.15pm 1st Wednesday each Month


 Llandenny Community Hall


New members always welcome


Llandenny WI members 2020.JPG

Who are we? 

We are a small, relaxed and very friendly WI – definitely no cliques. We are delighted to welcome visitors and potential members.  We have around 25 members who join us from a number of local communities, including Usk, Raglan and Llansoy.  Our annual programme includes talks, outings and social events and we take part in events organised by Gwent Federation of Women’s Institutes and campaigns organised by the National Federation of Women’s Institutes




Llandenny WI was formed in 1939 and has been a feature of the social life of the village ever since.  We meet in the old Llandenny primary school, now Llandenny Parish Hall, and we have witnessed, and on occasions instigated, many improvements to its facilities over the intervening years.  


Since 1965 we have recorded the social history of the village and the activities of the WI in particular in a series of Village Scrapbooks. In 2000 our scrapbook was the winner in an all Wales competition.

What is the W.I.

The first British WI was formed in Anglesey in 1917 and many more soon followed.  Today there are about 7000 WI groups and over 200,000 members throughout England and Wales.  The WI offered women an opportunity to enhance their knowledge and develop skills in a variety of topics, including but not exclusively, domestic subjects at a time when women had few openings outside the home and little chance of making their voices heard.  The WI quickly became a campaigning organisation as newly inspired women identified issues of importance to them, their families and the nation as a whole and united to bring them to the attention of government and the public as a whole.  Today campaigning is a major WI activity with members having the opportunity every year to propose and vote on new areas of concern.  Many of these have had a strong emphasis on environmental issues or on improving the health and wellbeing of women and their families.  After 100 years the WI still offers women the chance to come together to learn new skills, make their concerns heard and simply enjoy each other’s company.

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© 2018 by Phil Tilley with

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